How important is the location for my session?


F.A.Q # 2 “What location should I choose?”

This is one of the questions I get asked the most during the consultation process.

The short answer:  Do you want an urban look, or a more natural outdoorsy look?

The long and slightly more complicated answer is below.  So read on.

Location (along with great lighting) is super important to determine the style and vibe you are going for that you feel best identifies with you! For some, location is very important because it has a special meaning, for others it is not really a priority, but you still want a cool backdrop for your photos!  Location can be from your backyard, in your home or as far as traveling a couple of hours to a specific place.  Each individual location provides endless possibilities!  There are a couple of good examples in the photos below of how one location provides endless backdrops!


The Outdoor/Nature Inspired

If you are the outdoorsy type, love earthy tones, golden light, a fresh natural care-free look, then I’d suggest shooting for the outdoors. Open fields, a beautiful park, a botanical garden, a lake, a walk in the woods, a hike up a hill (or a mountain if you’re up for that!) are some outdoor adventures you can consider for a unique outdoor session. Keep in mind that outdoor locations change throughout the year with the seasons, so if are a good planner, it’s never too soon to start checking out your favorite spots and determine what time of year you’d love to have that be your backdrop for your session.  For example, if you love flowers and all types of blooms, then you should take into consideration that the window to photograph during the peak of bloom is small.  The same goes for sessions in the fall season.  There is a specific time around October-November when the leaves are at their peak of orange and red tones and if that’s what you’re looking for, then plan ahead – there are only so many weekends available.  Time of day is a whole other topic on its own, but has such an important role in each photographer’s style of capturing light in a specific location.  You just have to keep an open mind, trust the vision for your session and be just a little adventurous and we’ll create exactly what you were hoping for.


Urban Inspired

Now, if you are more of the urban, chic, modern, edgy type, let’s hit the streets and the old brick buildings! This is one great thing that this city has to offer…lot’s of charm as far as older building.  Let’s get that old exposed brick or stone as the backdrops of your photos, or the cobblestone streets of Fells Point and other smaller towns in the area. If you are a little of both, we can always incorporate some greenery with ivy growing on the side of a building, or trees lining the streets. These sessions can be photographed all year round without having to worry too much about the changes in the greenery.

During our consultation session and in the questionnaire I will send you, you’ll answer a few questions that will help me determine what setting would be best for you.  Maybe you are just a little bit of both and that’s awesome because we can customize your session so have both types of locations in your collection.

An easy and quick tip:  Start creating a Pinterest page with you ideas for locations that you feel drawn to.  You can share that with me and we will use it as inspiration.


Below are a few different locations in different times of year, grouped by location.  Enjoy!

Outdoor Sessions at Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore Maryland by Maria Ortiz PhotographyClipper Mill Highschool Senior Portraits Urban Style by Maria Ortiz PhotographySoldiers Delight Fall Portrait Session by Maria Ortiz PhotographySenior Portrait session at the shrine of st. anthony in Baltimore maryland by Maria Ortiz PhotographyMcDonogh school Highschool senior portraits in Baltimore by Maria Ortiz Photography

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message!  I’d truly love to connect with you.

  1. […] Location (along with great lighting) is super important to determine the style and vibe you are going for that you feel best identifies with you! For some, location is very important because it has a special meaning, for others it is not really a priority, but you still want a cool backdrop for your photos! via […]

  2. […] Location (along with great lighting) is super important to determine the style and vibe you are going for that you feel best identifies with you! For some, location is very important because it has a special meaning, for others it is not really a priority, but you still want a cool backdrop for your photos! via […]

  3. […] Location (along with great lighting) is super important to determine the style and vibe you are going for that you feel best identifies with you! For some, location is very important because it has a special meaning, for others it is not really a priority, but you still want a cool backdrop for your photos! via […]

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